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The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook (2017, Harmony Books)
Click here to download the free extra content mentioned in The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook.
Click here for more discussion about this chart and high- and low-FODMAP foods.
FODMAP Basics is a one-page summary comparing common high-FODMAP foods or ingredients with popular low-FODMAP alternatives. The table is not designed with any particular "cut-offs" for high v. low FODMAPs in mind, but suggests relatively lower FODMAP options for some higher FODMAP favorites. The information in this chart is up-to-date as of July, 2017 and supercedes information in my books or material published before that date.
Your printable copy (pdf) of FODMAP Basics from Patsy Catsos is right here.
Lists of high and low FODMAP foods aren't enough to get the best results on a FODMAP elimination diet, however. We suggest you pick up one of Patsy's books to help you succeed. Or consider working with Patsy as a patient; limited openings for new patients are available.
IBS—Free at Last!
IBS—Free at Last!, Patsy's 2012 book, is now out of print. It has been replaced by The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook. However, since older or used copies are still available, I'm still offering the free handouts that went with it. You won't need these if you have the new book. Click here to download the free materials that are mentioned in the 2012 book.
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