High-FODMAP beverages may be part of your IBS problem. Soft drinks sweetened with high-fructose corn syrup are only the beginning. Even folks who avoid that particular ingredient may drink beverages sweetened with honey, sugar alcohols or agave syrup. And what about those great big sugar-sweetened iced mocha-type drinks? Even though a little bit of sugar (or sugar syrup) would be considered low-FODMAP, the sheer size of some of these drinks makes for an overload of fructose. Some herbal teas, especially chamomile and any tea bag which includes chicory root, are high in FODMAPs. Today's post has some tips for drinking the IBS-friendly way, while following the program in The IBS Elimination Diet and Cookbook.
- To stay well hydrated, replace your usual high-FODMAP beverages with an equal volume of low-FODMAP beverages. This is especially important during the warm summer months and during periods of heavy exercise.
- Drink when you are thirsty, enough to produce pale yellow urine. If you notice a trend toward darker yellow or orange urine, increase the amount of fluid you drink each day. That's it. Forget fancy formulas for how much to drink and the unproven advice to drink 8 cups of water per day. Your body will do the math.
- All low-FODMAP beverages "count" as sources of fluid: Good cold beverage choices include water, carbonated water, flavored seltzer water, iced tea (green, peppermint, ginger, mint), infused waters, iced coffee with or without lactose-free milk or almond milk. Though caffeine is not a FODMAP, it can be a GI irritant for some people, so drink iced green tea and coffee in moderation.
- If you prefer your beverages sweetened, add a tablespoon or less of regular sugar or 100% pure maple syrup. Flavored or plain liquid stevia extract is another low-FODMAP natural sweetener.
- Enjoy alcohol in moderation. Alcohol is not a FODMAP, but like caffeine it can be a GI irritant for some people. Cocktail mixers are often high in FODMAPs, however. Beer and wine are low-FODMAP. See Adult Beverages and FODMAPs: Five Things to Know for details.
We hope you'll enjoy your cold beverages even more when they are chilled down with our lovely mint ice cubes.
Fancy Mint Ice Cubes
Replace your high-FODMAP beverages with icewater cooled by these beautiful and delicious lemon-mint tea ice cubes. Or double up on the tea and use these to cool down your green or ginger tea. Serve them in clear glassware so that you can enjoy the way they sparkle!
Turn plain water into a low-FODMAP treat with some Fancy Mint Ice Cubes.
½ cup packed mint leaves
2 cups boiling water
¼ cup sugar
1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice, strained
- Remove the 24 smallest mint leaves and set them aside. Place the rest of the mint leaves in a teapot and pour boiling water over them. Cover the teapot and allow the leaves to steep until the mint tea comes to room temperature.
- Decant the tea into a small bowl, leaving the mint leaves behind in the teapot. Stir in the sugar and lemon juice. Pour the tea into an ice cube tray. Submerge two small mint leaves in each compartment of the ice cube tray. Freeze until solid, at least four hours.
- To unmold, run the ice cubes and tray briefly under cold water, then twist the tray to release the cubes.
Serves: 3
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